423 Followers • 335 Following
892 💎 Received • 553 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.031205 • $0.36
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 501.5796619986 days
Profile Age: 501.5796620128 days
Number of Transactions: 2,737
Transaction fees: Ð0.003867 • $0.04

Take heart, you have made it!!! We welcome you all to the Desoverse!!!!

Your story is just beginning, and we are excited to see what you accomplish in the future. We believe that you have the potential to make a real difference in the world.

The collective soul of DESO is what makes it so unique and powerful. When you connect with us, you are not just connecting with a social platform. You are connecting with a community of people who are passionate about helping you succeed.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, explore, and start creating your own unique path on DESO. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Check out our off chain group for newcomers.

About @TheDC:

We are the DESO Collective - an unofficial group of DeSo OGs who have come together to collaborate and support the growth of the DeSo ecosystem, enable a smoother onboarding for new users and also collaborate among each other to bring greater synergy between community members leading to a stronger DeSo ecosystem. Below are some independent projects being built by individual team members that we all support. But, as a collective, we have also started working on a few strategic initiatives around user onboarding and supporting existing community projects - the first of which will be announced soon.

Projects: @SharkGang @Penwyn @Familias @DesoDuels @DesoOps @NeoDeso @DeSoSync @CloutJacks @Moggel @Pixelangelo @GaikeNFTcreations @NomadLands

About The Team:

Governance: @That70sRobot @TheETHNomad @Randhir
Content & Marketing: @jodybossert @vampirecampfire @Moggel
Dev Team: @nathanwells @JohnJardin
Creative Support: @Rhynelf @Pixelangelo @Ugottaloveit @Jhayppy
Backed By: @studio_richards @ShadyAcres @Gatucu @CivilEngineer @metaphilosopher
New User Onboarding: @ryleesnet @ColourBlobs @ElrickErikose @Surya0 @Mher @OuwePiet @GaikeNFTcreations

Next Steps:
- If you are a new user, make sure you login to https://DesoCollective.com and follow our Team Members in one click

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