Creator of @MintMachine @DeSoSync and @DeSoSearchEngine
@SelfieCats @Squatch @PixelRobot @Lost_Robots @ArtExplosion and @PixelMonster
Co-creator of @MyDeSoSpace @CyberPunkApes and @DeSoGuard
@ClaraMouse is my 13 year old daughter's creation
@ChaosCreatures is my 11 year old son’s creation
@ElementalDragons and @PiperPenguin is my 7 year old son's creation
@SelfieCats @Squatch @PixelRobot @Lost_Robots @ArtExplosion and @PixelMonster
Co-creator of @MyDeSoSpace @CyberPunkApes and @DeSoGuard
@ClaraMouse is my 13 year old daughter's creation
@ChaosCreatures is my 11 year old son’s creation
@ElementalDragons and @PiperPenguin is my 7 year old son's creation