5,999 Followers • 4,193 Following
14,734 💎 Received • 84,832 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.072140 • $0.86
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 841.20686863692 days
Profile Age: 841.20686864117 days
Number of Transactions: 273,450
Transaction fees: Ð0.100201 • $1.19
GEN2 is live: https://www.cyberpunkapes.xyz/gen2
- You can stake 25 of your Gen1s to be eligible to bid on Generation 2
- If you win the bid, your 25 Gen1 NFTs get burned
- If you don't win the bid, you get back 22 NFTs back and 3 are burned. You also get shared royalty of 4% in the NFT.
- Bidding closes after 24 hours and the highest bidder will win.

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