994 Followers β€’ 61 Following
2,467 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 2,036 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð1.791091 β€’ $21.33
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 970.20466267936 days
Profile Age: 970.20466268345 days
Number of Transactions: 3,820
Transaction fees: Ð0.004815 β€’ $0.06
DeSo NFT Mint Machine
by @nathanwells

Currently minting @cloutpunk @Shilley @DoodleKoala @noprobllamas @Jigglers @CloutRocks @Wormals @TipsyElf @ClaraMouse and @ElementalDragons

Discord: https://discord.gg/sy9Ged9vTh

βœ… Random Image Generation with Rules and Rarities
βœ… Decentralized ArWeave Image Storage
βœ… Ability to Mint in Phases with Easy to Use Upload Interface
βœ… NFTs sold via Mint Machine show up as actual accepted bids not transfers
βœ… Optional Free Mint Passes
βœ… Optional Whitelisting
βœ… Optional Paid Mint Skips
βœ… Optional Free Skip Passes
βœ… Optional Auto-staking
βœ… Uses Derived Keys for Minting so User's Accounts are Safe
βœ… Optional multi-account royalty baked into each mint
βœ… Great UX with Estimated Mint Completion Timer
βœ… Custom Mint Theme to Match Your Project
βœ… Host on Your Subdomain or on DeSoMintMachine.com
βœ… Optional gallery of Minted NFTs for Your Project
βœ… Optional inclusion of "The Can’t Be Evil NFT Licenses" for each NFT with on-chain data (info here: https://a16zcrypto.com/introducing-nft-licenses/ )

Phase 1: Custom generative NFT generator and minter for your NFT project using our codebase. We can generate your series based on images you provide, calculate rarities, and then prepare everything for the minting website.

Phase 2 (If there is enough interest): NFT creator initiated Mint Machine build - you upload your generative NFT images with json attribute files and our system does the rest (with a sub-directory on desomintmachine.com)

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