1,461 Followers β€’ 444 Following
29,008 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 24,351 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð1.625272 β€’ $42.78
Founder Reward: 40.00%
Public Key Age: 943 days
Profile Age: 943 days
Number of Transactions: 38,889
Transaction fees: Ð0.040873 β€’ $1.08
πŸ“ˆ Proud creator of the longest active staking mechanism on DeSo!

πŸ’° CC-STAKING 2024 (adjustable)
Monthly rewards:
- TOP 5: 0.1 CC % based on holdings.
- All holding > 0.25 cc: 0.001 cc

πŸ•³ Lifecoach @Selfcoaching

πŸ•³ @Mher_">https://medium.com/@Mher_

πŸ•³ X: x.com/Mher_Lc?t=gqCHLyRbDolW07QxKKUhig&s=09

πŸ•³ mher.nftz.zone
πŸ“ Shots of Poetry
πŸ“Έ Prompt PhotoArt

πŸͺ§ Personal hashtags
#mhycommunity #ccstaking #thelatest #ccplan

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