2,387 Followers β€’ 344 Following
19,411 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 20,323 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð1.928464 β€’ $12.55
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 1227.3337896901 days
Profile Age: 1227.3337896943 days
Number of Transactions: 75,393
Transaction fees: Ð0.034591 β€’ $0.23
➑ @BirthBlockNFT - DeSoPotamians need a Birth Certificate 😎
➑ @Generativ - gamification-focused generative NFTs minting
➑ @WhatsMy - DeSo analytics: gas πŸ”₯, diamonds πŸ’Ž, and more!
➑ @SpaceDuel - space game taking relativity theory seriously

βœ… @verifiedprofile: bit.ly/3qm0WjX
βœ… @DeSocialWorld: desocialworld.com/u/przemyslawdygdon
βœ… @diamond: diamondapp.com/u/przemyslawdygdon

🎨 My @NFTz gallery ➑ przemyslawdygdon.nftz.me
πŸ›€πŸΌ Profile art by @Pixelangelo ➑ bit.ly/3Mqs9N9
πŸ—£ How to pronounce my name, PrzemysΕ‚aw ➑ bit.ly/3HadAKI

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