901 Followers • 897 Following
12,749 💎 Received • 8,562 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð2.607320 • $31.16
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 1040.1403301176 days
Profile Age: 1040.1403301307 days
Number of Transactions: 15,416
Transaction fees: Ð0.028074 • $0.34
Co-Founder: TheDC and SafetyNet
Contact: That70sRobot@safetynet.social

DESO is a living organization with a collective soul. ~That70sRobot

“The best hope for humankind is when humans do what they are designed to do: operate in collaborative existence with our Creator and each other, using the unique gifts we were given to artistically craft our world into a better version for every generation after us.” ~ John Micheal Hinton (Author: Imaginate)

Texas Dad

Christ centered motivational leadership
Futurist, Entrepreneur.

Creator of Shilley’s Coin. @Shilley

@TheDC (The DESO Collective)

LinKedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/starbasetexas

Telegram: https://t.me/+1YQMCpy2dkFkYmNh


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