482 Followers • 229 Following
2,582 💎 Received • 3,367 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.139305 • $1.67
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 157.13120805096 days
Profile Age: 157.13120805994 days
Number of Transactions: 3,265
Transaction fees: Ð0.001227 • $0.01
@SafetyNet is a project that aims to facilitate the @Deso blockchain

The @Safetynet project creates a system of redundancy for the @DeSo ecosystem with a secure decentralized network owned and operated by the community.
The @SafetyNet project is a project started by members of @theDC.

Our main objectives are:
A. Securing the blockchain by providing redundancy in all key components of the @DeSo blockchain
B. Making sure all user content will stay safe at any time and regardless of any unfortunate incident occurring.
C. Decentralizing the @DeSo blockchain by providing extra servers and all related services so we all are not depending on one single or few point(s) of failure.
D. Building the @DeSo ecosystem by collaborations with and support to all members of the @DeSo community (individuals, node operators and developers)
E. Testing the resilience of the @DeSo blockchain
F. Adding functionality to the blockchain by providing on chain software solutions.

Our frontend application is ready for your use

If you have any questions, you can email them at: support@safetynet.social
You may also contact us by sending us a post addressed to @safetynet
Make your own help ticket or use our help database and Q&A: https://safetynet.freshdesk.com/support/home

Learn more about @Safetynet and read our white paper: https://1drv.ms/w/c/a946bc8fcce09f1a/EdnhOleOVUNIrQqIiylcm8EBdqf-HDLZ88YhaIVUSkNCkw

our servers are:

1. Validator server https://validator.safetynet.social

2. Consensus server https://consensus.safetynet.social

3. Tech server https://tech.safetynet.social

To support our project, go to our Open Fund page and then click the trade to purchase available tokens. openfund.com/d/SafetyNet
We use @openfund to keep a transparent ledger of all our financial dealings.
Also contributors might be appreciated in the future

You can also contribute to the project by staking with our validator.
Stake on: @SafetyNetValidator

SafetyNet is designed and developed by @Carry2Web , @Diamondthumb , @DegenDoge, @that70srobot, @ouwepiet, @erwinwillems, @studio_richards, @nathanwells, @stevonagy and @arnoudvanderplas

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AltumBase is not part of DeSo or Farcaster. Nothing on AltumBase should be considered a financial or professional advise.