1,421 Followers β€’ 353 Following
19,985 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 12,146 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð4.156962 β€’ $49.55
Founder Reward: 22.00%
Public Key Age: 295.20820103659 days
Profile Age: 295.2082010423 days
Number of Transactions: 19,280
Transaction fees: Ð0.042534 β€’ $0.51
DeSo member since 2021 previous accounts,
@Gaikenftcreations @Gaike @Gaikestampart

60% in REWARDS, with the new NFT serie Jill 2-0
>> I invest 0.5 DeSo in your Cc
>> I also invest 0.5 DeSo in my own Cc
Read more about this….

πŸ”Έ Love sun/wine/create/drawing/writing/postage stamps/positivity
πŸ”Ή Living on my sailing houseboat βš“οΈ and also traveling with my camper 🚌
Stories about,
βš“οΈŽ Ship life - https://zirkels.com/blog/shiplife
🚐 Camper life - https://zirkels.com/blog/camperlife
NFT series - https://zirkels.com/blog/creativegnft
20% of the royalties from Zirkels are for my Cc holders.

> Member of @TheDC
> 2023 GaikeNFTcreations, winner of the first NFT LEAGUE OF THE WORLD organized by @jhayppy

The fake acount @CreativeG_ is in
NO WAY associated to me!!

Remember, If the plan doesn't work,
change the plan but never the Goal! πŸš€

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