193 Followers β€’ 182 Following
688 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 25 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð0.016887 β€’ $0.44
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 588 days
Profile Age: 588 days
Number of Transactions: 1,142
Transaction fees: Ð0.001091 β€’ $0.03
Decrypted Destiny To Success
Diamondapp : @wongbraling | Twitter : @wong_braling | Hive : @wongbraling | Wax : awongbraling | Opensea : wongbraling

πŸ’° : BC1YLgCacHKJs7JpfdqpwhU1qWe7HPyHHKNEaqETwx78RxbQSBXm5GE
πŸ’Ό : 0x7f1a18416b60c648e71dd7fd750df81cd754b772

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