6,072 Followers β€’ 2,820 Following
71,418 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 69,111 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð3.315770 β€’ $81.50
Founder Reward: 50.00%
Public Key Age: 1131 days
Profile Age: 1131 days
Number of Transactions: 121,687
Transaction fees: Ð0.064825 β€’ $1.59
From UK desogeo.com/map?account=mcmarsh

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since Mar 2021 - OR not OG ( Old Raver )
#science #music #tech #Film #Formula1


people who will tell you I'm real:
@stargeezer and @jemarsh (my brothers)
part of the @MarshMafia (don't worry it's only a fun and loving mafia)

#TTDT @randhir, @sandirose, @JDArmstrong, @Stargeezer, @goldberry, @mcmarsh, @peaking, @vampirecampfire

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