Guard against scams | Block off the Bots | Invest on Real Creators
Check out @DesoGuard by @DeSoScams at Desoguard.com and buy and use our $desoscams tokens from openfund.com/d/desoscams for a better DeSo experience
1️⃣ Engage and Invest in real users
2️⃣ Reward genuine talent w/NFT Buys/Diamonds
3️⃣ Grow the DESO economy
Check out @DesoGuard by @DeSoScams at Desoguard.com and buy and use our $desoscams tokens from openfund.com/d/desoscams for a better DeSo experience
1️⃣ Engage and Invest in real users
2️⃣ Reward genuine talent w/NFT Buys/Diamonds
3️⃣ Grow the DESO economy