3 Followers ā€¢ 6 Following
0 šŸ’Ž Received ā€¢ 0 šŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ɛ0.000000 ā€¢ $0.00
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 414 days
Profile Age: 414 days
Number of Transactions: 24
Transaction fees: Ɛ0.000045 ā€¢ $0.00



Artista brasileiro, estudou artes visuais e comeƧou a produzir arte digital em 2018 e desde 2020 interage com NFT e cripto-arte. Atualmente estudando a tecnologia blockchain desenvolve um trabalho de pesquisa sobre a Web 3.0 e seus impactos no mundo, com o objetivo de ajudar e reescrever a arte, a cultura e a sociedade.Do signo de AquĆ”rio e apaixonado por tecnologia, ele quer cunhar um termo para se intitular como FUTURISTA, uma nova versĆ£o de filĆ³sofo, onde a racionalidade aplicada a partir de uma perspectiva evolutiva social e tecnolĆ³gica refaz a ideia dos adventos em uma nova lĆ³gica a ser desenvolvida e usa a arte como o primeiro instrumento de comunicaĆ§Ć£o e interaĆ§Ć£o com esse conceito de vanguarda.


Brazilian artist, studied visual arts and started producing digital art in 2018 and since 2020 interacts with NFT and crypto art. Currently studying blockchain technology, he is conducting research on Web 3.0 and its impacts on the world, with the goal of helping to rewrite art, culture, and society. Born under the sign of Aquarius and passionate about technology, he wants to coin a term to call himself a FUTURIST, a new version of a philosopher, where rationality applied from a social and technological evolutionary perspective reimagines the idea of innovations in a new logic to be developed, and uses art as the first tool for communication and interaction with this avant-garde concept.

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