140 Followers • 319 Following
1,753 💎 Received • 508 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.616805 • $7.12
Founder Reward: 3.33%
Public Key Age: 216.33751160456 days
Profile Age: 216.33751161303 days
Number of Transactions: 6,159
Transaction fees: Ð0.017495 • $0.20
love vintage toys,Freedom,Music,ai,crypto,nature,trading ,gaming.Living and born in #NZ newzealand

With every future sale of a #LoveBear #NFT 50 percent of the sale will go into buying and Holding my #CreatorCoin Forever,25 percent will be given to a #LoveBear #CreatorCoin holder #Deso

ALL #NFTS i take 3.33 and Coin Holders will recieve 9.99 royalty Dividends as another way to give Value back to those who support the #LoveBears

If you buy the #Creator coin the 3,33 fee i get will be split used by any purchase to buy your creator coin which i will never sell the other half will buy more of my Coin which i will never sell.My way of supporting #Creators and #Deso

at the end of each Month the Top 3 Holders (Excluding myself) of the #CreatorCoin will recieve a #NFT of a #LoveBear at play,also every holder will go into the Draw to win A #NFT #LoveBear Coin that will feature a different #Lovebear each month #Deso #CreatorCoin

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