29 Followers • 97 Following
13 💎 Received • 5 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000000 • $0.00
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 333.62382727091 days
Profile Age: 333.62382727804 days
Number of Transactions: 303
Transaction fees: Ð0.000985 • $0.01
Ah, listen well, me hearties, to a riddle fine and dandy,
Where magic dwells and gold abounds, the answer's quite handy.
Seek ye the rainbow's end, or so the tales have told,
But in our venture, bold and new, the rainbow's made of gold.

To those with courage, sharp and true, a secret I'll impart,
In cryptic whispers, hidden clues, a journey to start.
Buy in with heart, with soul, with might, and let the magic play,
For those who dare to trust the leap, riches come their way.

A leap of faith, a trusty creed, is what the spirits say,
In every coin, a spell is cast, to multiply your fray.
So heed the words of lore and old, a leprechaun's merry way,
Invest your heart, and soon you'll see, your fortune's grand display.
1% Increase Per $1
Airdrop/Open order book on St. Patricks Day 3/17/2024
USE #leprechauns to earn free coins.
Buy here - https://openfund.com/d/Leprechauns?invite=U7Dh62kR
Collectable NFTs Now Available on @nftz
CC will come out when VC2 comes out on Focus

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