1,242 Followers • 2,755 Following
18,672 💎 Received • 4,853 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.519122 • $50.63
Founder Reward: 25.69%
Public Key Age: 709.18814121005 days
Profile Age: 709.18814121332 days
Number of Transactions: 49,264
Transaction fees: Ð0.027077 • $0.90
Am nino..bitclouter since mart 2021..nmb77 in end od realmcoin..this is my second profil i lost all info with smartphone..soo keep back up privat key...
Am into history fotografy kvality music kvality People n energy in life...
Am coolinary head cheef..was mediteran champion first time 1995 with 16y.o...so natural way is nutricionisam and homeopaty..i live by adriatik sea alotta natural medicina herbs..People who knows abaut them are 90y.o. so I kolekt dieing knolege of lokal plants n rest of the world but with modern twist..i like to know siance behind plant..why Madonna herb helps depresion..graviolla multiplys modern medicin for cancer or zeolit vulkan mineral powder drive out all toxicity out of organizam..plant dead 2 years zeolit make it alive n beautiful..my late father was first d.j.in my contry so music filately numizmatik are his influenca..
Not much IT guy but real peoples guy..i newer lie no need my true is much more unbeliveble..i respekt all religions colors etnik specijaly women..we are all uniqe n same..am no beter because am White men then any latino women or islam Black guy..
Be beter n biger person ..hepl if you wanna be helped.soport if you like to be soported..
I use humor to get to sirius things in life..no body say its a good humor but humor it is..

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