528 Followers β€’ 183 Following
2,244 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 121 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð2.516483 β€’ $24.18
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 385.11420496382 days
Profile Age: 385.11420497728 days
Number of Transactions: 2,748
Transaction fees: Ð0.000734 β€’ $0.01
β˜• Community Team - Starbucks Odyssey NFT
πŸ‘½ The AlienBoy NFT
πŸ“ˆ #Crypto & #NFTs $ETH, $DESO, $SOL
🏠 Real Estate IRL

Link to Twitter: https://x.com/JohnDWeb3?t=nLzKWNUsI2AmIwdI_n-78A&s=09

YouTube: @johndweb3?si=iqYwH7W9HjPCLpoz">https://youtube.com/@johndweb3?si=iqYwH7W9HjPCLpoz

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