423 Followers • 121 Following
4,199 💎 Received • 3,025 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð3.054596 • $35.25
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 564.34169225176 days
Profile Age: 564.34169225756 days
Number of Transactions: 7,273
Transaction fees: Ð0.018937 • $0.22
Silto Nascao Studio.
Artist Musician Librarian
My idea from the beginning has been to share the progress of the expansion of my art studio, Silto Nascao Gallery and Art Studio, through the varied creation processes that populate my mind. From wooden vases, nft's, illustrating children's books, oil painting, watercolor, silk screening, cyano type...basically any medium I can get my hands on. This is a blessing and burden. My art rides the fine line of variarital incoherence, of dipping my fingers in to many pies; a risky endeavor to say the least. Gallery owners, fellow artist, people in general always have the same advice..."Develop a style, focuse on a medium, a coherent style which people will recognize..." And the only coherent thing I could come up with was to create my own Gallery, my own Studio. This way I can let my mind fly with no attachments, detachments, constraints, hangups, etc..that are not but my own. So join me in my adventure and delight yourself in my madness. I have been developing different ideas and characters to share as Nft's. I dig Nft's. All on the DESO block. As my studio grows, hopefully my mind will follow.

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