175,201 Followers • 29 Following
6,939 💎 Received • 1,702 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.660811 • $6.15
Founder Reward: 9.69%
Public Key Age: 1017.7027981964 days
Profile Age: 1017.7027982022 days
Number of Transactions: 4,762,048
Transaction fees: Ð2.059052 • $19.17
CockyClout…DeSo FIRST, oldest, and most fun (even BLACKLISTED) MemeCoin!

💰 Trade @CockyClout on @OpenFund: openfund.com/trade/CockyClout

🌐 Best place to visit @CockyClout: desocialworld.com/u/CockyClout
😎 @CockyFanArt - by the People for CockyClout!
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