5,372 Followers β€’ 5,340 Following
83,725 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 20,661 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð4.178033 β€’ $49.80
Founder Reward: 18.18%
Public Key Age: 1249.1859541697 days
Profile Age: 1249.1859541754 days
Number of Transactions: 106,362
Transaction fees: Ð0.226023 β€’ $2.69
After a lifetime of work, enjoy all the new things including DeSo.

Creating and experimenting with NFTs has now become a daily activity. Finding out what someone else likes is quite a challenge, but it also makes it more interesting.

I am very happy with the enormous number of real followers, following is a completely different sport. I haven't really found a system for this yet. I am a real people person.

Visit ouwepiet.nftz.me / ouwepiet.nftz.zone

Country. : πŸ‡³πŸ‡±
Member of : @PenWyn community
Founder of : @DeSoMunt

Hodler. : DeSo
Verified.βœ… : Desocialworld.com / diamondapp.com / mydesospace.com

My top 5 investors :

#deso #post2earn #safetynet #desocialworld #ouwepiet #nft #nfts #nftcommunity #decus #penwyn

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