740 Followers β€’ 341 Following
13,382 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 12,566 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð0.583293 β€’ $6.01
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 1033.9368690463 days
Profile Age: 1033.9368690538 days
Number of Transactions: 26,331
Transaction fees: Ð0.014017 β€’ $0.14
"Web3 is a mad world & I'm here"
Short Story about me:
I am a Fine Arts Artist but choose fashion design as a profession. Which I have drawn manually and digitally for the last 16 years in my profession, now I am just converting to NFTs.
🎨 Drawing & painting
πŸ“· Photography
🎁 NFTs Auction alert:✨
After 6 hours If there is no other bidder, then 1st bid will be accepted.
Birthblock: #114,638
Family: @MayanR
NFT: https://bugsfree.nftz.me
NFT: https://opensea.io/bugsfree
πŸš€ https://ud.me/bugsfree.nft
πŸš€ https://linktr.ee/bugsfree
πŸ“Œ https://twitter.com/bugsfreeweb
πŸš€ https://bugsfree.tangled.com/join?l=en&s1=desoverse

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