80 Followers • 54 Following
592 💎 Received • 431 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.008634 • $0.23
Founder Reward: 65.00%
Public Key Age: 451 days
Profile Age: 451 days
Number of Transactions: 2,244
Transaction fees: Ð0.000933 • $0.03
Web3 brand and culture.

JellyTom is a unique collection of 1,000 hand-drawn characters who live on the Deso blockchain. These small characters come in many different types, each with their own special features.
Some of these types are well-known, while others remain somewhat mysterious, making them rare and potentially valuable finds.
The JellyTom collection is a fine art piece that combines the creativity and craftsmanship of traditional art forms with the technology and innovation of blockchain.

Category : PFPs

Creator earnings : 5%

Coinholders royalties : 10%

Chain : Deso


Created January 2023

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