7,798 Followers • 1,897 Following
52,033 💎 Received • 53,016 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð6.675943 • $79.84
Founder Reward: 19.00%
Public Key Age: 636.17582266359 days
Profile Age: 636.17582267502 days
Number of Transactions: 66,386
Transaction fees: Ð0.057453 • $0.69
I live in the city of Zoetermeer (The Netherlands).

I was born in the city of Delft -06-08-1975 (The Netherlands).
@deso #birthblock: #226455 date 23rd of April 2023 time: 08:19
Furthermore, I love nature, animals, walking cycling, sciences, history, cosmology, cultural sciences and all kinds of technology.

My occupation is: Manager of the green public space (& And part-time gardener)

Please invest a little of my coin if you like my contributions, reposts and social activities. Thank you all

I am a Hodler! Furthermore, I DO NOT SELL MY CC!
I am in this community to help build it and sustain it. I do not sell out. Together we can be socially and financially free
* If follow you back if you follow me
* If you buy my coin, I'll buy your cc
* if you'll ask, I'll assist you with your project(s)
* #NFT 10% of the sales of my #NFT goes to my coin holders!
* check out my #NFT at: https://nftz.me/u/ArnoudvanderPlas/owns

>| "X" or Twitter: @arnoudaugustus
Telegram: Arnoud_van_der_Plas

>| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082516856779

>| Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnoud-van-der-plas-3a995416/

1. @safetynet (member)
2. #Ethosphere (member)
3. @rdaofoundation (contributor)
4. @desoclublounge (owner)
Telegram group: DesoClub
5. @broccoligang and @broccolicoin #NFT project (owner)
6. @thedc member
7. @sharkgang member
8. @Penwyn member

Associations with: @Sweetlakecity, @desofocusbank and TDM

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