2,791 Followers • 870 Following
59,310 💎 Received • 18,995 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.226453 • $2.61
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 1138.32449316 days
Profile Age: 1138.3244931658 days
Number of Transactions: 45,018
Transaction fees: Ð0.018091 • $0.21
😊 Kon ni chi wa

💚 My (real) name is Mayumi.

🇯🇵 I teach Japanese @nihongo @JapaneseLanguage
founder of a FB learning group(20k) https://www.facebook.com/groups/learning.japanese.language/ (but it’s not very active, because I enjoy DeSo too much now and don’t spend much time at FB)

🧸 I run a tiny (after school care type of ) school for the local children in need of assistance/guidance.

😺 I rescue cats in need ❤︎ @LoveCats🐈

🌱 I eat healthy plant based food.
“You are what you eat” , right?

🍀 I’m here because when #DeSo goes 🚀
I will…
① fix my cat shelter and have a better one in somewhere safer in Japan
② have a garden to grow organic vegetables&fruits
③ run a plant-based healthy cafe/B&B next to the shelter 🌱 ※accept Visa, Master and DeSo💙

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😊 Thank you for your time to read my profile

😸 Have a lovely day❣️

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