47 Followers • 1 Following
408 💎 Received • 12 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.309584 • $8.39
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 459 days
Profile Age: 459 days
Number of Transactions: 489
Transaction fees: Ð0.000370 • $0.01
We aren’t just any regular meme coin, we are here to deliver top notch support to our community and continuously develop new ways for our community to prosper. Currently meme coins have little to no value in this space, but we are here to change the way meme works. We intend to incentivise creators and community members alike, with $PEPE Solana based assets and NFTs that will hold real utility in the space and bring value to the Solana blockchain. Cryptocurrencies have taken a big hit in the last couple years, people are losing hope, losing time, money etc. we intend to change that with $PEPE. #PEPESOLANA

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