3,638 Followers • 318 Following
6,229 💎 Received • 2,449 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.167404 • $31.58
Founder Reward: 90.00%
Public Key Age: 1127 days
Profile Age: 1127 days
Number of Transactions: 11,122
Transaction fees: Ð0.238983 • $6.46
Full Stack Ghostwriter for DeSo Creators | I write DeSo content, newsletters and Educational Email Courses that grow your audience and email list.


I write about my journey going inward and expanding my consciousness.
Building an empire in this new digital world.
Top 1% writer on DeSo | Storyteller | 3X author.

Past work: @balajis, Beitar Jerusalem, Huobi, Blockchain @ Berkeley, Cryptoproof.
Featured: TNW, Cointelegraph, Miami Herald.

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