428 Followers • 770 Following
3,120 💎 Received • 1,338 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000002 • $0.00
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 828 days
Profile Age: 754 days
Number of Transactions: 5,476
Transaction fees: Ð0.001699 • $0.05
🇻🇪Tiny Venezuelan trying to spread love❤️
👉🏻Your actions affect others-be kind💞

❇️NFT project: @bigbangbeaver❇️
Find them at bigbangbeaver.nftz.zone

⚡️Community News: @mikeymicrophone⚡️

🔹1 CC in circulation= FR 20%
🔹10 CC in circulation= FR 25%
🔹15 CC in circulation= FR 30%

🏁Honest goals:
➡️Earn money to buy a powerful laptop to work on 3D modeling, videos (and gaming, not gonna lie)
➡️Earn money to buy a Wacom graphic table to draw easier and faster than with the mouse
➡️Get a smile on your face😆(nailed it?)

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