2,428 Followers • 1,878 Following
27,632 💎 Received • 7,077 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð7.546356 • $49.50
Founder Reward: 17.00%
Public Key Age: 726.83879825318 days
Profile Age: 726.83879826245 days
Number of Transactions: 23,345
Transaction fees: Ð0.073525 • $0.48
Creator behind Koolkatz.nftz.me

You can track everything I am doing now at ugottalovit.org

I strongly believe in web 3 and decentralization. I still have never sold a coin or token of my own.

I reward my investors and supporters through investing back, and rewards.

I will continue to invest in myself and those that support me.

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