836 Followers β€’ 398 Following
21,519 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 20,985 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð1.565776 β€’ $15.05
Founder Reward: 22.00%
Public Key Age: 219.34530827711 days
Profile Age: 219.34530828286 days
Number of Transactions: 59,315
Transaction fees: Ð0.100772 β€’ $0.97
Welcome to my profile, my name is mahmudul. I appreciate you for visiting my profile. Hopefully you are doing fine brothers or sisters ❀️

We are deso family 😊. Hope we will get together beautifully. If I makes any mistakes please tell me I will fix it.

I will never sell my own cc

My Nft project Create An Abstract village is created by AI From first to last

If anyone inactive for 20Days I will sell your cc

My other Account @onecentinvestment
Also @Yeasinarafat & @bijaysethupathi(my friends id)

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