738 Followers • 0 Following
4,137 💎 Received • 2,449 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð2.531010 • $15.95
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 664.23136123793 days
Profile Age: 664.23136124368 days
Number of Transactions: 67,104
Transaction fees: Ð0.016237 • $0.10
DeSoOps: An Admin and Utility Portal for DeSo Users to manage various tasks related to their Projects, Token Holders, Supporters, and Crypto Assets.

DeSoOps is a project by @JohnJardin

Visit the DeSoOps Portal => https://desoops.com

Join the DeSoOps Club => https://openfund.com/d/DeSoOps

Access The DeSoOps Source Code on GitHub => https://github.com/agilitehub/desoops-portal

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