2,825 Followers • 336 Following
13,264 💎 Received • 6,554 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð19.991036 • $521.77
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 968 days
Profile Age: 968 days
Number of Transactions: 16,361
Transaction fees: Ð0.025546 • $0.67
The DeSo blockchain is their battlefield!

👾 500 Original ‘Decentralized Social Monsters’

👾 500 Evolved Desomon.

Auctioned for 1 hour, highest bidder wins unless a ball is played.

Balls are only valid for the first 5mins of each auction - when played we will accept your min 1 DESO bid.

🔵🔴🟣🟠⚪️ To view Deso balls available check out @Desoball.

Remaining Balls:
1 x Diamond
4 x Octane
11 x Supreme
22 x Speed
22 x Deso

Creators: @SCP05 @JamesBarrett

Discord - https://discord.gg/7HhTPGz5Kv
Twitter and IG - Desomon_nft

Easy to 👀 hard to catch.

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AltumBase is not part of DeSo. Nothing on AltumBase should be considered a financial or professional advise.