6,232 Followers β€’ 1,028 Following
64,683 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 1,720 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð3.753145 β€’ $43.76
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 1397.6636545029 days
Profile Age: 1397.6636545105 days
Number of Transactions: 62,058
Transaction fees: Ð0.037972 β€’ $0.44
DeSo Dev #1

The King of DeSo πŸ‘‘

@Sarvente is my kid

Making @SearchClout with @tijn go https://searchclout.net

Building @Gemstori powered by DeSo go https://gemstori.com

@FuckedUpPunks was 1st generative NFT project on DeSoπŸ”₯
@FuckedUpTiles - 10K fully generative NFT drop.
@FlyMan - 1K generative NFT drop.

DeSo Miami Hackathon Top5 Winner with my Super Wallet app that allows multiple coin transfers between users https://desowallet.netlify.app

PS And I had to make my own app to write long profile description πŸ˜‹

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