6,066 Followers • 198 Following
44,676 💎 Received • 2,722 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð6.291579 • $38.38
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 1262.1830980019 days
Profile Age: 1262.1830980288 days
Number of Transactions: 20,035
Transaction fees: Ð0.053696 • $0.33
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IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALTUMBASE CREATOR COIN HOLDERS purchased prior to 2022 Oct 21: We will exchange your Altumbase CC to DAO coins 1:1. TO proceed, please send your Altumbase CC to @AltumBase and send us a message!

DAO: https://beta.daodao.io/d/AltumBase

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