255 Followers β€’ 228 Following
2,094 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 2,548 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð4.840633 β€’ $49.62
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 219.44453083772 days
Profile Age: 191.44453084189 days
Number of Transactions: 2,923
Transaction fees: Ð0.006215 β€’ $0.06
A collection of 200+ whimsical Shroom characters with fun themes and bountiful rewards πŸ„

We will mint approx. 1 Shroom per week with a starting bid of 3 $DeSo and a buy-now price of 10 $DeSo.
Auction times vary as to give each time-zone an opportunity to bid.

Custom requests:
See our pinned post or message us to discuss a custom Shroom designed just for you. Custom NFT orders are 10 $DeSo

You receive 20% of the new-mint purchase price back in our CC, or 10% back from secondary market purchases.

Auto-stake your Shroom NFTs for monthly $DeSo rewards (thanks to the team at @NFTz) by holding them off-market.

Project by @TangledBrush918

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