122 Followers • 91 Following
196 💎 Received • 761 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.230979 • $32.34
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 249 days
Profile Age: 249 days
Number of Transactions: 759
Transaction fees: Ð0.002455 • $0.06
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Talking Intuition Best Practices
Elizabeth Tubbs
Founder Learn To Trust Your Intuition
Trainer in the Dr. Marcia Emery IPS Techniques
"Intuition is the spark that ignites vision."

I have had a dual career path throughout my life. I have worked in Corporate High Tech in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 26 years, all the whileI studied, trained and taught intuitive sciences.
This has given me a unique perspective from both, inside the corporate world, and the application of Intuitive Problem Solving. (Plus, I claim bragging rights that I walk my talk.)
I've worked hand in hand with visionaries and the most sought after innovators, developers, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to successfully and profitably deliver ideas from inception through shipping product to market.
This firsthand experience has me double down on the fact that we each can and will profit when we 'identify and activate' our individual intuitive language, as it is the one skill set never taught. There are power steps we can take to develop intuition. These IPS techniques help us develop unshakable confidence, help one become a powerful decisive decision makers, and help tap into innovative ideas to put you on the cutting edge of your field.
I offer a variety of workshops, training, and 1:1 Intuitive Insight and Analysis Sessions.
You can find my blog on Zirkels here; www.zirkels.com/blog/talkintuition

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