96 Followers • 57 Following
245 💎 Received • 36 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð1.734623 • $16.74
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 403.85961395256 days
Profile Age: 403.85961396508 days
Number of Transactions: 228
Transaction fees: Ð0.000078 • $0.00
Seattle based, devoted content creator on TikTok. With a community hovering at 35.5k followers, specializing in crafting humorous content and hosting live interactions to foster community development.

Beyond my online endeavors, I harbor a deep passion for health, wellness, carnivore/zero-carb lifestyle, and naturopathic medicine.

I am committed to transforming my insights into engaging and informative content while championing the principles that content creators should retain ownership of their creations. I firmly believe that companies claiming intellectual rights should appropriately compensate the original generators, advocating against the prevalent Zero-Sum game in the content creation sphere.

Immersed in the DeSo community, I am grateful for the warm welcome from fellow thought leaders. Despite the platform being in its infancy, my faith in this project remains unwavering. I am eager to contribute to the growth of this community, sharing my insights with like-minded individuals and contributing to the collective success of the platform.

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