158 Followers • 178 Following
749 💎 Received • 632 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.049986 • $1.31
Founder Reward: 25.00%
Public Key Age: 540 days
Profile Age: 540 days
Number of Transactions: 2,629
Transaction fees: Ð0.005131 • $0.13
We are the US Support Team for Puduo Resin.
On this platform, we welcome all artists, using any epoxy. We are here to build a community of kind, loving, and supportive artists.

Tag us in your posts so that we can interact with them and give you the credit that you deserve for the work that you have put in.

Please show your love and support as we are doing this because we care about all of the lives that we touched as the US team.

You can still find us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
We are still running the PuduoResin.com website, as well as the email campaigns.

All questions will be answered, and we will help to make this a full and informative place. Founder Reward % temporary raised. This will lower again soon.

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