409 Followers • 12 Following
1,019 💎 Received • 407 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.373062 • $9.81
Founder Reward: 10.00%
Public Key Age: 115 days
Profile Age: 115 days
Number of Transactions: 940
Transaction fees: Ð0.000431 • $0.01
Hello, my name is Rodrigo Ariel Pradier. I am passionate about psychology, blockchain technology and art. I am interested in exploring how these disciplines can converge and impact the world. I have a solid background in psychology, with experience in negotiation and psychotherapy.

Throughout my professional career, I have had the privilege of working on a variety of exciting projects. In one of the current ones like @PSYCOart, I am conducting research and development related to psychology, using blockchain as a tool to promote knowledge through content.

Additionally, I have participated in blockchain projects, playing roles as a project specialist and developer. My passion for psychology has led me to explore how this discipline can be integrated with technology, and I have performed analysis and functionality testing to optimize processes and promote the adoption of this innovative technology.

My commitment to continuous learning has led me to obtain certifications in R for big data, computing techniques, Python for data science and big data, among others. Additionally, I have been recognized with professional memberships and awards in my field of work.

I am always looking for exciting opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills in projects that generate a positive impact on society. I am open to collaborations and new connections, so do not hesitate to contact me through this medium or LinkedIn.

Mg. Prof. Rodrigo Ariel PRADIER
web -> https://www.psycoart.net/en/
x-> twitter.com/RodrigoPRADIER
Main Project -> @PSYCOart
Support account -> @PSYC500

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