58 Followers β€’ 0 Following
445 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 1,784 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð0.118148 β€’ $1.14
Founder Reward: 80.00%
Public Key Age: 982.84372892902 days
Profile Age: 982.84372893313 days
Number of Transactions: 2,949
Transaction fees: Ð0.001065 β€’ $0.01

Check out the growth of our portfolio by clicking on this link. πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

https://wallet.deso.com/?user=Numismatic&tab=activity πŸ’ΌπŸ’°

The FR% decreases with each purchase.

100% of the FR is reinvested in creator coins.

Year 2026 (date to be determined) this numismatic collection will end.

100% of the value of this portfolio is divided in proportion to the amount of accumulated currency.

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