669 Followers • 92 Following
1,733 💎 Received • 1,800 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.604507 • $7.24
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 1218.162633517 days
Profile Age: 1218.1626335213 days
Number of Transactions: 3,780
Transaction fees: Ð0.011095 • $0.13
From @Krassenstein @MuchaSats @mvanhalen
Artist: @NFTvanHalen

NaderHeads includes collectable 1 of 1 NFT's of different rarities. 100 Genesis NFTs has been released. 100 Exodus NFTs are releasing now.

After all 100 of the Exodus collection has been minted we will release all traits and rarities. The Genesis collection has been sold out!

We will sell the NaderHeads for 1 deso. If they are animated then the price is 2 deso.


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