568 Followers • 487 Following
7,903 💎 Received • 16,762 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð3.019955 • $28.99
Founder Reward: 20.00%
Public Key Age: 914.30499058574 days
Profile Age: 914.30499059206 days
Number of Transactions: 18,521
Transaction fees: Ð0.024285 • $0.23


#PixelArt #Manga #Books @ #NFT ‘s

New series: A Pixel Homage to MOB
Minted: 11 of 12 https://nftz.me/u/MrPerson177/g/PixelHomagetoMOB

Completed A Pixel Homage to #JoJoS
Minted: 60 of 60 pixel portraits - https://mrperson177.nftz.me/g/PixelHomagetoJoJoS

Completed 'A Pixel Homage to #Naruto' https://mrperson177.nftz.me/g/PixelHomagetoNaruto 100 of 100 minted

Here with the help of my Dad @studio_richards

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