1,123 Followers • 354 Following
18,192 💎 Received • 6,908 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð2.212483 • $21.35
Founder Reward: 11.00%
Public Key Age: 844.86268131253 days
Profile Age: 844.86268131851 days
Number of Transactions: 21,731
Transaction fees: Ð0.031273 • $0.30
You will find my content consists of ART Music and musings..
My ART content source is firstly by HAND from more then three decades of sketch book entries, Watercolor paintings, acrylic paintings, collage creations and who knows what else I'll think up!? I have GIMP software that I have been having fun with to 'enhance' all my Art Projects which I will continue to explore.
I post LIVE MUSIC: performing and recordings of SOLO or with different bands on Mousai.
I look forward to this next year of engagement with all my friends and possible friends here on deso.

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