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Public Key Age: 731.57363845196 days
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I hear stuff. Thoughts of others. Angels and demons. Witches from my hometown. Stuff from the spiritual realm that's sometimes difficult to discern. Confusing to interpret. Faint and cryptic. Mum and my sister thinks I need psychiatric help. I think I'm blessed by God. Poetry helps. So I write stuff down, often in the dark, laying in bed. Other times, I get up and scribble stuff down quickly before I forget in the morning. Didn't mean to be a writer. Just happened. Accidental poet. Started hearing voices around 2000 when an unusual dream occurred. Something amazing happened that turned my life upside down. I saw Jesus.


#Writer #Mystic #Poet #Musician #Singer #Songwriter #Author #Spiritual #Fiction #Books #Essays #Shortstories #Storyteller #Exorcist

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