15 Followers • 68 Following
29 💎 Received • 1 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000657 • $0.01
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 218.58725226544 days
Profile Age: 212.58725227543 days
Number of Transactions: 156
Transaction fees: Ð0.000081 • $0.00
Bridging the gap between Web2 audience and Web3 Solutions by actively contributing to the latter.
My strong advice is to stake deso @SafetyNetValidator or @DeSocialWorldValidator
Big boys are better.

I have withdrawn my validator from production.
Please read and act: /posts/f9f610f48dc939dedc40c641316a38c1a3edc5fa594704dc84983b113372a4ae

Please check my most active account @carry2web

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