6,046 Followers β€’ 1,479 Following
16,895 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 2,120 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð1.077186 β€’ $10.45
Founder Reward: 25.00%
Public Key Age: 1357.6992228511 days
Profile Age: 1357.6992228721 days
Number of Transactions: 80,376
Transaction fees: Ð0.022130 β€’ $0.21
20 years old

Investor and entrepreneur

Owner of 2 companies.

πŸ›» Offroad truck equipment

πŸ“ˆ Investment signals and information provider

TOOR Equip & Market Movers owner

Partner at RVS Solutions

Blue Yonder Sales Leader πŸ™Œ

Current world champion πŸ‡¦πŸ‡·πŸ†

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