84 Followers β€’ 0 Following
1,699 πŸ’Ž Received β€’ 1,613 πŸ’Ž Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000000 β€’ $0.00
Founder Reward: 100.00%
Public Key Age: 780.82338420387 days
Profile Age: 780.82338421779 days
Number of Transactions: 12,575
Transaction fees: Ð0.050514 β€’ $0.57
It's unfortunate, but no User or Dev Team should have to put up with attacks from #scumbags. The @SeWiJuGA user is a proven #CrimeBoss who disparages women as objects, trains art thieves how to avoid being caught minting their #StolenArt & mass-follow others to gain a greater number of victims to scam, relentlessly causing problems on DeSo since December 2022 when DeSo Scam Hunters discovered how this #scammer operates. First in with his new scammer's creator coins instructs to set the FR at 10%, the #ScamBoss then rugs from the scammer's creator coins to profit from the innocent users who bought afterwards, as seen in the history the team of @ScamHunters_inc has with this user, & the Post linked to on most 3D Universe managed support accounts, here: diamondapp.com/posts/ec76fed8e4dda13b5beaa539115ccc43361c790a0606eb3b0041635eb492aa12?tab=posts
πŸ‘‰ A blog post providing an immense amount of evidence to this user's criminal activity, lists of who the user associates in the users' #ScamRing, picture evidence of the user claiming then burning of other REAL Artists NFT works as another form of attacks & erratic behavior displayed daily, will be forthcoming to get this scumbag off of this 3D Support account's bio area here...
~ There is a LOT of information, be patient with the blog as it builds.

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