35 Followers โ€ข 145 Following
37 ๐Ÿ’Ž Received โ€ข 1 ๐Ÿ’Ž Given
Coin Price: ร0.003408 โ€ข $0.09
Founder Reward: 25.00%
Public Key Age: 509 days
Profile Age: 509 days
Number of Transactions: 278
Transaction fees: ร0.000075 โ€ข $0.00
Everyday I create a life I love
When the world is dark look up to the stars ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ
Trying to watch more sunsets than Netflix
Iโ€™m ready โ€“ letโ€™s do this
Be a flamingo in the flock of pigeons
Making mistakes is better than faking perfection
Sprinkling a bit of magic
Sharing my happy thoughts
Capture every moment
Iโ€™m the rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ on the rainy day ๐ŸŒง๏ธ

Living life on my own terms
I donโ€™t care what people think of me. This is me in rawest form.
Iโ€™d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
I might not be where I want to be yet, but I get closer everyday
One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.
I got to where I am today by being me
I was born to do exactly what Iโ€™m doing today
Donโ€™t like me? Donโ€™t care.
Iโ€™m out here hustlinโ€™ to claim whatโ€™s mine
Less talking, more action. Take a look at my pictures if you donโ€™t believe me
I am worthy of the greatness I hold
Itโ€™s not your job to like me, itโ€™s mine.
Iโ€™m awesome (donโ€™t worry I think you are too)
Iโ€™m not here to be average, Iโ€™m here to be the best
Born to shine bright
Always be yourself because an original is always more valuable than a copy

Even if you had instructions, you still couldnโ€™t handle me
Anything but predictable
Be young. Be dope. Run the show.
Iโ€™ll remember and recover but that doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™ll forgive and forget
Iโ€™d rather make mistakes than fake perfection
I donโ€™t wipe tears, I wipe the people who created them
Iโ€™m like coffee: dark, bitter and too hot for you
In a world of average, Iโ€™m savage
Itโ€™s hard to find someone whoโ€™s smart, funny, adorable and a total badass. My only advice for you is, donโ€™t forget to follow me
Too glam to give a damn.

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