24 Followers • 11 Following
51 💎 Received • 1 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.000000 • $0.00
Founder Reward: 99.00%
Public Key Age: 554 days
Profile Age: 554 days
Number of Transactions: 125
Transaction fees: Ð0.000467 • $0.01
Officially, I'm an IT engineer (Multimedia Technology), but I was born an engineer, so to speak. I'm interested in how things work and it goes beyond technology. I'm most interested in open systems and how they communicate with each other. Basically, whether the system is biological, technological or fictional, I am interested in how it affects the social matrix.
Life has also blessed me with a highly sensitive nervous system, which makes me a highly sensitive person (HSP), which is 15-20% of people in the world. Scientifically and briefly: my mirror neurons are more aclive and my serotonin levels are lower, which means I have a higher EQ and IQ. In human language, this means more empathy and better memory.
If you want to know more about me and my experience in embracing sensitivity as a super power, I invite you to start following me

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