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2024-09-19 17:55:21 UTC
308284 tushar12 30.00 10.23 306.95 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 17:37:41 UTC
208744 25thhour.eth 20.00 10.23 204.63 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 17:28:25 UTC
368989 dante4ever 400.00 10.23 4,092.01 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 16:21:03 UTC
528707 ghostbo4 270.00 10.23 2,761.43 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 16:02:21 UTC
381751 andyv 69.00 10.23 705.61 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 15:57:05 UTC
359298 blow01 235.00 10.23 2,402.90 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 15:27:31 UTC
755466 andryaoe 35.29 10.22 360.81 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 14:57:27 UTC
11244 bfg 500.00 10.22 5,111.06 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 14:51:41 UTC
420554 afterlifedog 250.00 10.22 2,554.83 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC
2024-09-19 13:47:05 UTC
518780 nowhouse 10.00 10.22 102.18 BUY
1 week ago
2024-09-12 07:40:29 UTC

Showing 1 to 10 of results

jiwoozoo 459170 34,000.00 276,814.97 0.00 276,814.97 347,884.35 71,069.38
yjx278 274908 30,340.00 239,714.37 0.00 239,714.37 310,435.62 70,721.26
tylerfoust.eth 487070 27,500.00 218,324.45 0.00 218,324.45 281,377.05 63,052.60
pandateemo 247653 24,030.00 189,732.77 0.00 189,732.77 245,872.38 56,139.61
jph.eth 243771 20,000.00 166,091.14 0.00 166,091.14 204,637.85 38,546.71
hoganthereformed 409176 12,928.30 57,418.07 0.00 57,418.07 132,281.02 74,862.96
thanhvpga 194092 11,170.58 44,640.41 0.00 44,640.41 114,296.15 69,655.74
serbuknutri01 496601 10,311.00 91,731.77 0.00 91,731.77 105,501.05 13,769.27
acetyl 496668 10,005.00 84,510.61 0.00 84,510.61 102,370.09 17,859.47
cryptobanua 250739 6,000.00 58,470.03 0.00 58,470.03 61,391.36 2,921.32

Showing 1 to 10 of results