125 Followers • 127 Following
1,057 💎 Received • 1,031 💎 Given
Coin Price: Ð0.341008 • $8.42
Founder Reward: 15.00%
Public Key Age: 533 days
Profile Age: 533 days
Number of Transactions: 2,537
Transaction fees: Ð0.009838 • $0.24
McCutchen Enterprises, LLC, is a parent company to Team GM, LLC. We have been a family-owned and operated company since Mid 2021. We specialize in custom gift ideas, such as coffee mugs, T-shirts, wood plaques, tumblers, and much more. We also offer budget-friendly home monitoring solutions for our local customers that may need them.


We have two different current store fronts available to potential customers. There are some different variants to our product between the two store fronts.

https://teamgmllc.etsy.com/ is our Etsy storefront.

We are adding new designs every week.

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